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Ultra-Link3-Way Multi-Plug Adapter with 2 x USB Ports


Retail: R200

A simple solution to keep all your electronics plugged in and to bypass the need for charging bricks when charging your mobile devices.  The 3-way multi-plug allows 3 appliances to work simultaneously and the plug also includes 2 x USB ports to charge mobile devices. 

Product Features
  • 1 x 3-Pin outlet
  • 1 x Euro 3-Pin/2-Pin outlet
  • 1 x Schuko outlet
  • 2 x USB outlets (2.1A shared)
  • SABS approved

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There's only so much excitement a plug adapter can bring.

It's not like when a public holiday sneaks up on you and you suddenly realise there's no work the next day. That's REAL excitement.

But that doesn't make it any less important.

Because it addresses a critical issue: the ratio between kitchen appliances and available plug points.

Which is always (and this is true of every kitchen everywhere) too many versus not enough.

Unless you have this.